Молодые люди в странах Африки к югу от Сахары имеют самые высокие показатели психического благополучия в мире - доклад

Новый доклад показал, что молодые африканцы демонстрируют более высокую психическую устойчивость по сравнению со своими сверстниками в странах с высоким уровнем дохода, где психическое благополучие молодежи резко снизилось после пандемии COVID-19.
Доклад «Психическое состояние мира 2024», выпущенный Sapien Labs, показал, что снижение во всем мире характеризуется ухудшением способности контролировать и регулировать мысли и эмоции, а также формировать и поддерживать позитивные отношения с людьми.
В докладе, в котором проанализировано более миллиона ответов от населения 76 стран на всех континентах, охваченного доступом к интернету, представлена тревожная реальность, поскольку психическое здоровье среди людей в возрасте от 18 до 34 лет в западных странах резко ухудшилось с 2019 года, и нет никаких признаков восстановления.
Напротив, снижение гораздо меньше в нескольких африканских странах, где показатели психического благополучия выше, причем Танзания занимает первое место в Африке и занимает первое место в мире.
Молодые люди в Нигерии и Кении также имеют относительно хорошие результаты: коэффициент психического здоровья (MHQ) выше 60 и находится в диапазоне 50-60 соответственно, что указывает на лучшие результаты в области психического здоровья по сравнению со многими западными странами.
However, it is worth noting that the figures for African youth are still way below the average figures for older adults generally across the globe.
South Africa is the only country surveyed in Africa that is aligned more with the West, with South African youth scoring between 30-40 MHQ, which is low, but still above poorly performing countries such as the UK, Ukraine and New Zealand.
The report is not based on indicators of happiness, nor is it monitoring anxiety and depression. The data collected using the Mind Health Quotient (MHQ) which measures all aspects of mental function: emotional, social and cognitive, shows that while older adults are doing well, a near majority of younger adults are experiencing functionally debilitating struggles or distress.
This is not just about diminished happiness, which is only a small component of mind health, but of the core mental functioning that's needed to navigate life's challenges and function productively. This decline in mental well-being in youth has been linked to multiple interconnected factors, including weaker social connections, early exposure to smartphones, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods and greater exposure to environmental toxins.
Younger generations are experiencing fewer close friendships, spending more time online, and consuming diets that contribute to emotional instability and cognitive challenges. These combined pressures have fuelled a global crisis that continues to deepen.
Tara Thiagarajan, PhD, founder and chief scientist at Sapien Labs, said, 'Africa holds a unique advantage in youth mental health, an asset that must be actively protected as the continent undergoes rapid technological and economic shifts. With Africa's youthful population set to play a key role in the global economy in the coming decades, governments must take proactive steps to ensure that urbanisation, digital adoption and evolving lifestyles do not erode the mental resilience that is now setting African youth apart from the rest of the world'.
According to the report, older populations across the globe, ranked well with an average of 100 MHQ in populations of 55+ Countries that ranked high in older populations, with a score of over 110 include countries in Africa, Central and South America, South East Asia and Israel and the UAE. Nigeria was ranked high at 110 plus and Kenya was in the second group of countries with scores between 100 and 110.
In stark contrast to older adults, the average MHQ of younger internet-enabled adults under age 35, ranges from 5 to 71 across 79 countries with an average globally of just 38, over 60 points lower than those aged 55 plus.
Many under 35's are merely enduring life with 41% classified as distressed or struggling, i.e. experiencing an average of five or more clinical level symptoms of mental distress that significantly impair their ability to navigate their lives and function productively. Across all countries, younger adults have diminished mind health relative to older generations. In only 15 out of 79 countries did their average MHQ exceed 50 and just one country - Tanzania, had an average MHQ above 65 - equivalent to the lowest country average among those aged 55+.
Findings from the report further suggest that stronger community and family ties, later exposure to smartphones, and more face-to-face social interactions may contribute to these varying scores. These factors, which help build emotional resilience, have been declining in high-income nations over the past decade, where digital connectivity and individualism have replaced traditional social structures. However, as Africa urbanises and adopts more technology, researchers warn that these benefits could fade if not protected, leading to a decline in young people's mental well-being across the continent.
Tara Thiagarajan further said, 'The report highlights a widening generational gap in mental health worldwide. While older adults (55+) continue to thrive, younger adults are facing unique levels of distress. The consequence of this as the older generation moves out of the workforce is that we will be faced with a new workforce that may not be able to cope with the pressures of daily life. There will be less productivity, more days off, less co-operation and more anxiety and possibly more violence in daily life with a generation that does not have the emotional and cognitive ability to cope.
'For Africa, this presents both an opportunity and a challenge to learn from global trends and act now to preserve the mental resilience of its young people. African nations must look at ways to counter childhood exposure to smart phones and ultra-processed diets and environmental toxins. As the continent advances, leaders and communities need to encourage the strong social and cultural bonds that have helped protect young Africans and look at ways that youth across the continent can further develop resilience and achieve their full potential'.
Sunday Trust